The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show" Presents "Janie's Got A Gun"

The GYPSY Season 2 Episode 30

In this thought-provoking and emotionally charged episode of The Rubber Biskit Road Show, The GYPSY uses Aerosmith's iconic rock ballad "Janie's Got A Gun" as a starting point to delve into the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The GYPSY examines the original intent behind the amendment at the time of its writing and contrasts it with the contemporary interpretations and manipulations by gun rights advocates.

The episode critically explores how the 2nd Amendment has been co-opted to justify the unregulated ownership of any type of firearm. The GYPSY shines a light on organizations like the NRA, gun lobbyists, GOP lawmakers, and firearms manufacturers, exposing how their true agenda is not the protection of constitutional rights but rather the preservation of their financial interests.

The GYPSY also addresses the individuals who misuse firearms for ego-driven purposes, contributing to the ongoing debate over gun control and responsible ownership. He offers a compelling argument and potential solutions for restoring sanity and reason to America's approach to firearms.

Join The GYPSY in this compelling episode as he untangles the misconceptions surrounding the 2nd Amendment and advocates for a balanced and rational approach to gun ownership in America.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 06/06/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season2RBRSEpisode30 - Podcast.mp3


Welcome to Episode 30 of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show I am your host, the Gypsy. Well. As you notice, I kind of named this episode. Jane's got a gun and I'm just wondering how many of you all remember the lyrics to Janie's got a gun just in case you don't remember them. Here they are. Jane's got a gun. Jane's got a gun. Her whole world's come undone from looking straight at the sun. What did her daddy do? What did he put you through? They said that when Janie was arrested, they found him underneath a train. But man, he had it coming. Now that Janie's got a gun, she ain't never going to be the same. Janie's got a gun. Jane's got a gun. Her dog days just be gone. Now. Everybody is on the run. Tell me now. It's untrue. What did her daddy do? He jacked a little bitty baby. The man has got to be insane. They say the spell that he was under the Lightning and the Thunder knew that someone had to stop the rain. Run away. Run away from the pain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Run away. Run away from the pain. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Run away. Run away. Run away. Janie's got a gun. Jane's got a gun. Her dog days. Just be gun. Now everybody is on the run. What did her daddy do? It's Jane's last. I owe you. She'd had to take him down easy and put a bullet in his brain, she said. Cause nobody believes me. The man with such a sleeze, he ain't never going to be the same. Run away. Run away from the pain. Jane's got a gun. Jane's got a gun. Everybody is on the run. Jane's got a gun. Her dog day shall be gone now. Everybody is on the run because Jane's got a gun. Jane's got a gun. That's why Aerosmith and the reason why I shared that with you is because today I'm going to talk about Janie having a gun, but not necessarily Janie having a gun. But people like Cheney having a gun. Did Janie have a right to put a bullet in her daddy's brain? Well, the answer of course, is no. She did not have that right. Regardless of what her daddy had done. She did not have that right to take his wife. What she did have the right to do was to seek help. She had the right to contact the authorities, let them handle the situation. But Janie did not have the right to take a gun and take her daddy's life. Now if you listen that song the way I do. I imagine Jane. He'd be a teenager. So here we have the gun in the hands of a teenager. Sound familiar? A teenager that is basically acting irresponsibly because that's what Jane's doing again, regardless of what daddy's done. Janie did not have the right to take a gun. And take his wife. Neither do these teenagers. They go in and commit these mass shootings like you know they do at the schools all the time. This is just it's gotten out of control and it's ridiculous. Did you know that there were mass shootings all over the United States this past weekend from one corner to the other, all over the place? This is getting now. Control this. It's up in the thousands this year, the mass shootings have taken place. You hear about the well publicized ones like the one in Uvalde and the one in Buffalo. But there's been so many others. And it's absolutely ridiculous. And then you have. Congress and the Senate refusing to take any action, not the whole Senate, not the whole Congress, of course. Just the Republicans and. Who was it? Was it Matt Gates or Ted Cruz? They're kind of all interchangeable, but one of them said recently that people have a constitutional right to have their guns really. Well, don't people have a constitutional right to have their children and their loved ones not be killed by those same guns? I believe that outweighs the constitutional right to have a gun. And why we're talking about constitutional rights, let's, let's break that down a second. I find it very. Disturbing because I don't know what other terms you use here disturbing. Sounds perfect here. That the Republicans and the gun rights activists and the NRA, which just to throw that out there, the NRA only has 17% of gun owners as its membership. But we'll talk about that here in a little bit. I want to talk about the Constitution right now, so. The gun rights advocates and the idiots in Congress and the Senate, the Republicans that want to protect the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. That's what they always say. The right to keep and bear arms. Well, have you actually read the full Second Amendment and actually understood what it's saying? If not, I'm going to help you out today and I want you to listen closely to what I'm getting ready to say here. You can sit there and you can disagree with me all you want to, but it is written as it is written and I'm going to put the punctuation in there. Just to be clear. A well regulated militia comma being necessary to the security of a Free State comma. The right of the people to keep and bear arms. Comma. Shall not be infringed. Now let me read the whole thing. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Do you truly understand what that is saying? I want you to stop and think about it. I want you to roll it around in your brain for a second. Repeat that to yourself. Here, I'll help you one more time. I'm going to read it one more time and I want you to roll it around in your head. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Roll it around in your head. I'll give you a second here. Go ahead. Now let me break that down for you. A well regulated militia, being that at the time the Second Amendment was written, we really didn't have an army per say. We had a militia that was underneath the command of generals. But whereas the British, for instance, had a army. We had a militia. There is a difference and in case you don't know what the difference between a militia and an army is, let me break it down for you further. OK. A militia is Simply put, a group of citizens. That form together to protect. Their population. OK, so if you look at It says the definition of militia is a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in and emergency. In an emergency. It also defines it a militia as a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army. OK. A military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency, a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army. When our country was being founded. This is exactly what we wore. We wore a rebel force in opposition to the British Army. We did not have an army. Our militia was raised from the civil population. All right. Are you are? You following that it's it's pretty easy. It isn't too hard to figure out so. When we get back to the Second Amendment, a well regulated militia. That is a civil population raised to supplement the army. Being necessary to the security of a Free State. Well, we've already said that the militia supplements the army. That's necessary for the security of a Free State. It means not that you just automatically go out there and you grab your arms and go, hey, I'm running out here to help the army. It means that the government can call upon you, the citizen. To help supplement the army. OK, they can also draft you. How many of you remember the draft? I'm sure there's a few of you that do. The draft was a way of developing a well regulated militia at Saint Citizens. We need you to supplement the army and we are going to compel you to do that by having the draft. And that worked. You know, because we had several wars that, you know, citizens had be drafted in. If if they hadn't joined the army or the Air Force. Excuse me? A sneeze snuck up on me there. Say Gazoon tight to me. If they had not joined the Army Air Force Marines, Navy. Then we wouldn't have had enough forces to fight the wars that we need to fight like World War Two. And the Korean War of Vietnam. So the draft was necessary, but that was the case of the government coming in and saying we need to create a militia. We'll create this draft, it will be a group of citizens that we consign. To supplement the army. All right, so. We've broke that part of it down. A militia to supplement the army. Being necessary for the security. Of a Free State. The right of the people to. Keep and bear arms. This is the part that the GOP and that the gun rights advocates always dwell on, but they take it out of context. They take it separately from the two. Pieces that followed it to the two parts of that sentence that followed. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State. The right of the people to keep and bear arms. If you do not have the right to keep and bear arms, then you cannot be a militia. To supplement the security of the Free State. In other words. If you. Don't have the right to bear an arm. Then you don't have the right to fight for America. Right, right. So we're talking. War. We're not talking everyday life. We're not talking about, hey, I get to go around and carry this piece on my hip because I'm a big man. Look, we got open carry law here and see. See this gun I have on my hip? I got that right. No, I actually, you know what rights you have when you walk around an open carry carrying a firearm. One year. Yep. You have the right to look like a *******. Do you understand how people look down on you when you're doing that? They're not admiring you. They don't think. Wow, what a great guy. They think you're an idiot. And you are. Because all you're doing is showing off, you're not helping protect the country. You're not helping to protect the populace. You're helping to show. That you're a narcissistic *******. Carrying a weapon. That's what you're showing. That's my own little soapbox there. But we'll get back on the Second Amendment here. Shall not be infringed. Well shall not be infringed. Is simply. If you keep the citizens from bearing arms, then they can not supplement. The government, in a time of war. Now. The Second Amendment I'm surprised that it has never been. That it's never been updated or corrected. It really surprised me, but again, this is this comes from opposition in Congress and the Senate and from guns rights groups. This was wrote at the time that we were at war with Britain, the United States needed to make sure that the populace was able to grab their guns. Grabbed their rifles, grabbed their muskets. Well, actually they didn't have rifles. They had muskets at the time, but grabbed their muskets and grabbed their pistols and come out and help defend. This fledgling nation. From the threat of the British tyranny. In order to do that, the Second Amendment was wrote, it just clearly stated that you have the right to help defend this country. That is what it is at the core of the Second Amendment. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be in. Hinged. It was solely and completely. Written. To make sure that the citizens of the fledgling United States were able to go help our regular army, which wasn't much of a regular army at the time. Defend this country and keep it free. But this has been so twisted, and it's been so warped that the guns, rights advocates and the NRA wants you to believe that it tells you that you have a right to walk around. Carrying rifles and carrying pistols and being able to. To just do whatever you want to. With the firearm. And the truth of the matter is. You don't have that right. You really don't have that right. That is not what the Second Amendment was wrote for. And somebody, somewhere is going to have to come along. They're going to have to correct that. But let me try to correct a few things right now while I'm sitting here on my soapbox on this. OK, before I go any further with this discussion, I want to. Make it clear. That I am not opposed. To owning rifles. Nor am I opposed to owning handgun. OK. That is not an opposition to mine. I do own a handgun. It's a little 25 automatic. I do own a rifle. It's a single shot bolt action. 22 caliber rifle and I'm going to tell you about that rifle here real quick. When my dad was dying. He was hooked up to one of those IV monitor things. He was dying of liver, lung and brain cancer, and me and him were having a nice little visit all by ourselves. No one else around. And he gets up and starts wandering around the house, and he's looking for something. He's frantically looking and. As he's looking around, he's mumbling. When I die, these vultures are gonna snag everything that I own. But I save something for you and I just gotta find it. I know it's here somewhere. And I'm getting worried about him. He's small and he's frail and he's wandering around the house and I'm just. I'm really worried about that, he. He just not is not well at this point. Well, all of a sudden he goes. It's here. I found it. It's behind the dryer there. In his utility room behind the dryer was a rifle case, and I pulled it out, he says. Open it up. Look. And I pulled out this little single shot. 22 caliber bolt action rifle. And I looked at and I looked at dad, I said, is this the one you taught me to shoot with when I was six years old? And he grinned dear, dear. And he said yes, son, it is, he says, go take him, put it in your car and don't tell anyone you have it, he says. I don't want these vouchers to get a hold of it. So I went and stuck it in my car, but it meant a lot to me. My dad, when I was six years old, had taken me down to a Creek bank. Had thrown some beer cans across it on the other side of the Creek. And taught me how to shoot, he explained to me. Gun safety. He showed me exactly how to properly hold that weapon. He also taught me that I shouldn't have around in the Chamber when I'm carrying it. He taught me gun safety at six years of age. I have never, ever as mad as I've been at anybody. Had the desire to go out. And shoot up a bunch of. Oh. Just because my dad taught me how. To use a rifle. You know, he taught me the proper thing to do. He taught. He taught to me the way his daddy taught to him. I do not understand. People that go out and cheat, you know? Shoot people just to be shooting them. I don't get it. It don't make any sense also. I did not own that gun when I was a kid. My dad owned it. If we went out target practicing, it was my dad's gun. It wasn't my gun. I never owned a gun until after I was an adult. It just to me it did not seem like the right thing to do, and it really wasn't. I mean, I was too young to be going out and owning a gun and thinking I was a big Billy ******. I honestly, the way my personality is, I would have never thought that at all. But there are people that do and these are the people that go up and. Their kids that go shoot schools. Maybe they didn't have a daddy to teach them right for wrong, you know, on how to use a gun. Maybe they just didn't have anybody to teach them right from wrong. Maybe they got too inundated with video games that show violence or TV shows that show violence, or just who knows what triggered them. I'm not going to sit here and try to cycle, analyze these people. That's not my purpose behind what I'm talking about today. What I'm talking about is. We have a problem in this country. And it's an obvious problem, and the GOP knows it's a problem. But yet they refuse to act on. This is a definite problem that we must address for the safety not only of our children. Our family members and our friends, but we also must address it for the safety of this country, because if it keeps going on. I don't know what path we're going to be down, but it's not a good one and it will be a threat to our democracy. People have a constitutional right to live. People have a constitutional right to see their loved ones and their friends live. With. Gun owners do not have a constitutional right to prevent that from happening, plain and simple. I can't put it any other way than that. They are misreading the Second Amendment. They are totally misunderstanding the purpose behind it. And it's time for Congress to act and rewrite the Second Amendment so that it is comprehensive, not take away the right of people's toned firearms. But to make it more defined as to why they own those firearms, there also needs to be regulations put into play. Don't be selling selling weapons to minors. Don't be giving somebody a weapon that hasn't had a background check, not only criminal background check, but mental background check. You have got to make sure. Got to make sure. That the person that's holding a weapon. Is not only mentally competent to do so, but is legally confident to do so. There are so many things that are simple that could go into effect. To better regulate firearms in this country, and Congress is just not doing it because they're afraid of the 17 per cent of people that are members, 17% of gun owners that are members of the NRA come on, give me a break. 17% of gun owners, I want to say that again so that you understand it. 17% of gun owners. Are members of the NRA. Do you know how many gun owners there are in this country? And the NRA only represents 17% of them. Do you know what the fools in Congress are afraid of? They're afraid they're going to lose that $5000 donation from the NRA. And they're afraid that they're going to lose the $5000 up to $5000 donation that they can take from the gun manufacturers. You know, when you put it all together, they have basically, if you count the gun manufacturers here in the United States, the ammo makers here in the United States and the NRA. Congress has put a value. On each and every American's life. Of $30,000 each member of Congress. Feels that your life is only worth $30,000. Is that all your life is worth $30,000? Is that all the life of your children is worth is $30,000. Is that all the life of your friends or worth $30,000? What about your mom? Your dad, your brother, your sister, your uncle, your aunt, your cousins, your nieces, your nephews? Is are their lives only worth $30,000? Because that's what Congress has decided they're worth, because that's the amount of donations to their political campaigns that they would lose. If they pass comprehensive gun legislation and when I say they, I'm talking about the Republicans folks in the Bible and I've heard this argument brought up too well, God, you know, heels kill it. No, no, no, no, no. No. God allows. Wars. There's a difference, and there are holy wars. There are wars that God has deemed necessary. There is no place in the Bible that God allows one-on-one killing. Oh well, about Samson and the Philistines. Samson was a soldier. Fighting the philistines. Oh, what about David and Wyeth? David was a shepherd boy at the front of an army. He was part of that army. He was, he was. A militia. Because he had been consigned to supplement the army. So don't use the David and Goliath analogy on me. Don't use the Samson analogy on me because they don't wash. These were armies that were fighting. On the side of God, at God's directions, they weren't individuals going out there. And killing someone. Let's use the most known individual that killed someone. OK. Cain's Lowe's brother, Abel, that was one-on-one. That wasn't by God's direction, and that wasn't an army, so you can't use the argument when we talk about the Bible. That God allows killing God even says thou shalt not kill. God allows wars. To make sure that his people survive. OK, they're defensive actions for the most part. They're not offensive actions. So. Any argument that you can give why you have the right? To bear an arm to just go out and randomly kill somebody. Your right is not there. I'm sorry. And I will argue that I will argue that forever with you. OK, I'm not. Opposed to you owning weapons. What I am opposed to is people that have no business owning weapons, owning weapons and we do have the power. Congress has the power to address this. And to make it safer. For people to own weapons, OK. I'm going to give you an example of what happens when there is regulations concerning weapons. You know, in the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom. Last year. There were only four homicides by guns. Did you know that the type of weapons we allow here in the United States are not allowed in the United Kingdom? So I want you to think about that a second. A country that does not allow the type of weapons that we allow here in the United States had four homicides by guns in 2021. Wouldn't that be nice if we could say the same thing here in America? I don't think that's ever going to happen. About what we can do. Is we can make sure that the guns go into the hands of competent people and not incompetent people. We can better regulate what we're doing. We can impose stricter penalties. On people that use guns, OK, when they use them improperly. There is so much that can be done and some of the ridiculous, stupid arguments by the GOP and Congress just don't wash and they're it's totally irresponsible on their part. And I hope that the American people will put enough pressure on Congress. To better clarify what the Second Amendment says, because honestly, personally I think that would be the first place to start. Better clarification on the Second Amendment. Well that's about it for this episode of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show. I'll get off my soapbox now, I. My thoughts and my prayers are with everybody. Everybody who lost someone in a mass shooting in this country or anywhere else for that matter. I hope that we can continue on as a responsible nation and find a solution to this problem, because it is a problem that plagues our country and it is a problem that's not going away unless action is taken and we the people. Need to tell they the Congress that you are our elected representatives and you will take action on this and do something to protect our citizens. But until that happens and until next week, this is your friendly neighborhood. Gypsies say May God bless and keep you and yours. Later, Gators. Bye bye now.

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