The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "Is A Bear Catholic?"

The GYPSY Season 1 Episode 26

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "Is A Bear Catholic?"

In this entertaining episode of the Rubber Biskit Road Show, The GYPSY tackles the age-old question: "Is A Bear Catholic and Does The Pope Poop In The Woods?" Through his signature wit and humor, he reflects on the absurdity of commercials produced by advertising agencies and advertisers across various media platforms.

Listeners are treated to The GYPSY's amusing commentary on the quirky and often nonsensical advertisements that permeate television, radio, and billboards. With insightful observations and humorous anecdotes, he sheds light on the surreal world of advertising and its impact on popular culture.

Amidst the laughter, The GYPSY also provides listeners with updates on his wife Raychel's ongoing battle with stage 4 breast cancer. This heartfelt segment segues into a discussion about the importance of giving back, a cause that The GYPSY passionately supports through his art and philanthropic endeavors.

Through engaging storytelling and candid reflection, The GYPSY invites listeners to ponder life's absurdities while also embracing the importance of compassion and generosity in the face of adversity.

Don't miss out on this entertaining and informative episode of the Rubber Biskit Road Show, where laughter, insight, and heartwarming moments abound.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 05/02/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

“Like a Rubber Biskit, I have spent my life bouncing from here to there and back to here again.”  -The GYPSY-

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I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season1RBRSEpisode26 - Podcast.mp3


Welcome to Episode 26 of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show I am your host, the Gypsy. Hey, how's it going out there on this wet, cold, dark and dismal day? I'm telling you what I was going to try and get down and do some riding today on Silver Street. My motorcycle, but unfortunately. That didn't happen, because it's just oh. I don't know. So it you know, we're in Kansas. So it really can never make up its mind what type of weather it's going to be, whether we're going to be cold or whether we're going to be hot or somewhere in between. And Speaking of the weather here in Kansas, I want to give a quick shout out to the folks over in Andover, KS, who went through a pretty bad tornado this past weekend, understand it had sustained winds of 164. Mph was on the ground for about 13 miles, destroyed over 300 buildings, and damaged over 600 more. But. Nobody was killed, thanked. Board. OK. There were no deaths involved. There were a couple of injuries, a couple of them being firemen that were helping in the rescue efforts. But you know what? It was. It was. If you have to have a tornado. At least it was the type of tornado where there weren't deaths involved. That's all I have to. Day and I thank the Lord for that Kansas weather. I'm telling you what I mean. It's a good thing that we do not have bears here in Kansas. I'm telling you, really honestly. Because if we had bears in Kansas, they wouldn't know whether to hibernate or whether to get up and forage for their spring food. They wouldn't know what to do. They wouldn't know whether to go out and go to church or whether to go poop in the woods, or I mean, I'm sorry. You know the old joke, you know, is a is a bear Catholic? Does the Pope poop in the woods? And, you know, speaking? I'm sorry. I I got to say this. I really got to say this. Is there anyone out there besides myself that that charming commercial with the Bears butts? Does anyone besides me find that kind of disgusting? Honestly now, I guess I find it disgusting because I used to be a zookeeper at one time and I know what a bear's **** looks like. And a bears bud is a very disgusting portion of the bear. Of course, it's a disgusting portion of any animal. Put on a bear specially. So every time I see that Sharman commercial to where they're like, showing the little bear with the itchy bud, or they're just talking about the bare butts in general and how the charming gets it clean. Trust me, a 24 pack of the Mega roll of Sharmans would not get a single bear butts clean. I'm I'm telling you right now, bare butts are dirty. They're nasty. And I just, I really that commercial aggravates me, of course, I guess there's a lot of commercials that aggravate me. I I miss the days of Mr. Whipple saying please don't squeeze the Charmin. I mean, that was a nice commercial, but just commercials in general, I think they actually. Cry to see exactly how disgusting they can be. I I think they should have an award for the most disgusting commercial that you can even possibly imagine. I just. Oh my goodness. There's one commercial. Yes, we know that women have feminine hygiene needs. We're well aware of it. And for years we've had to watch you for blue liquid on the on the pads and everything else under the sun. But have you seen the 1:00 where they're pouring the red liquid onto the pad? I mean, seriously, seriously. I'm sorry, I know it's a natural part of life. I know it's a natural bodily function, but we really don't need to see red liquid poured onto the pad. We understand what the pad is for. Actually, we don't need see any liquid poured onto any pads. For whatever reason. It's just like I said, I think they actually go out and try to be as disgusting. Say possibly can. Years ago, one day I was seeing in the studio slow day in the studio, middle of winter. I think it was snowing nasty outside, so I'm just kind of watching some TV, you know, kick back, take some personal time there. And this commercial comes on and it is this well known supermodel and she's talking about. Stuff that you use for yeast infection vagisil I think it is. Anyway, she does this commercial for vagisil. Then the next commercial that comes up, and I kid you not, it was the same supermodel and she's talking about feminine hygiene sprays. Then the commercial after that, and this is no joke. Same supermodel. And she's talking about feminine protection. There was one more commercial in the set of four, and it was the same supermodel talking about summer's Eve do.


I'm sorry. By the time these commercials were done, I knew more about that Modell's vagina than I ever wanted to know in my entire life. And I don't know what they were thinking by putting those commercials back-to-back, but they did nothing for me. I don't know if they did anything for anyone else, but they definitely did not make me want to go out and buy summer's Eve. I can assure you of that. Anyway, I I need to get off these commercials because there's a lot of. Out there, that just really aggravate me. I know the advertisers are paid to. You know, entice you and bring you in and make you remember their commercials. And I guess from what I've just said here that I obviously remember some of these commercials, but I remember them because they're disgusting or because they're unnecessary. They're uncalled for. You can make a. Without the shock value, and I think that's actually what they're trying to do, they're trying to have the shock value. I actually enjoy commercials like with flow from progressive, I like the GEICO, the Gecko, GEICO, GEICO, gecko. What do you want to call him? Speaking of funny story here. When was it? It was 2007, 2007 Sturgis. For those of you that don't know, the Black Hills rally takes place every August up in Sturgis, SD it is one of the oldest motorcycle rallies in the world. It is also probably the biggest. You know, they say it's the biggest Laconia may give it a run for its money. Who knows? But it is huge. It's massive, so a lot of advertisers take the opportunity to advertise to bikers. Well, I was rolling down the Interstate westbound out of Rapid City, SD towards Sturgis and there was a GEICO billboard there with the gecko. On it and it was advertising, of course. Motorcycle insurance. And I looked at the Billboard and I started laughing my **** off and I got into Sturgis and I had memorized the 800 number on the Billboard. And I called the 800 number, and I got this nice lady on the phone. I said hey. I thought I'd give you some feedback about your about your billboard. 3rd at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and races the Black Hills Classic, she said yes. I said yeah, I saw it. The one between Rapid City and the Sturgis, she said, oh good. It's visible. They got it up. We didn't know if they were going to get up in time. I said, yeah, it's definitely up a couple of things. You might want to know and. And she says yes. What's that? I said Sturgis is actually spelled Sturgis. It is not spelled STUGIS. She goes what I said. Yeah. They dropped the R and said, oh. And motorcycles are spelled, MOTORCYCLEI said. Motorcycle is not spelled MOTORCYLE. And she says you're kidding, right? And I said no, I'm serious. I said they misspelled it. I said, but that isn't the best part. And she says, oh, God. And I said the best part is that God. GEICO. And she said they misspelled GEICO. I said yeah, I didn't know there was a K in your name. And she says, Oh dear Lord. And I said, yeah, I said that before we messed up. And she's like, oh, thank you for letting us know. We'll try to get someone out there immediately, she says, see, this is what happens when you do a rush job. And I said, well, hopefully you don't do a rush job when it comes to ensuring your. People that you want to ensure. Sure. And she says, good point. Anyway, I just thought. I thought it was really great that this whole billboard had been totally, completely misspelled, and it just it cracked me up, and especially in South Dakota, especially a billboard in South Dakota having a blunder on it. And I know that may sound odd, but. Back when Betty Ford was first Lady of the United States, she took a Buster of America. It was a big thing. All the news media was following her around. What have you? And she was taken to her through South Dakota. And at that time, South Dakota had more billboards than they probably had. Population. Well. Mrs. Ford got really, really upset because there were so many billboards. She was able to influence legislation to get passed to where there can only be so many billboards within a mile distance or within a 10 mile distance, whatever it is. But there can only be so many billboards within a certain distance, especially along the Interstate highways. So. I don't know what the exact number is that you can have, but if you if you're driving down the Interstate, take a look at a billboard and I'm not talking in the city limits, I'm talking outside the city limits. Take a look at a billboard. OK, then count how many, how long your old Dom your reading is to the next billboard. Now the same rules don't apply for inside the city. I guess you can just plaster billboards all over the place inside the city. But along our Internet Interstate. Highway system God talk. Tripping Ormond Tongue, Interstate highway system and along our US highways, you can only have so many billboards for so many miles. So for them to make them for them to make a mistake on a billboard in South Dakota, it's kind of ironic, wouldn't you? Say. Speaking again of billboards in South Dakota, I don't know how many of you have ever been. Along I-90 in South Dakota. But there's like 2 prominent signs that you see once you hit Sioux Falls and you head West of Sioux Falls. You see these two signs all the time, and then as you get a little bit further on, there's a third sign thrown in and then a little bit further on, there's a fourth sign thrown in. So there are 4 signs that dominate Interstate 90. Between Sioux Falls, SD and Rapid City, SD. First one is wall drug advertising. Your free glass of ice water. The next one is for the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. Then you get to find out about the auto museum and that is in the I can't remember the name of it all. Murdoch, South Dakota. No, I don't sound right, but it's something like that. And then then there are billboards for Rushmore. OK, so you have these, you have these four signs that kind of dominate the landscape and. Along 90 there, but the one that gets me is wall drug. Now wall drug advertises itself as the world's largest drug store. Right. And it is pretty big. It takes up quite a bit of area and they're famous for their glass, their free glass of ice, water. OK, free glass of ice water started back in the 19 late 1920s and 1930s. A pharmacist had purchased this drug store in Wall, SD. And people were just driving by. On the new US Hwy. that went through there, I think it was US 40, if I remember. I can't remember for sure what it is. Anyway, they were on the. US Hwy. Going through there. And the pharmacist. Couldn't get anyone to stop. You know he, I mean, besides selling drugs to the very small population there, right? He he sold. He sold other things too, you know, he sold sundries. He sold good stuff that people travelling on a highway across the barren South Dakota Plains could use. But nobody would stop. Well, his wife one day mentioned how thirsty the people in the on wheels looked and how it would be nice if they offered them some water. So they put up the sign free ice water. And thus was born. Wall drug and it is really, really something to see if if you've never seen it before. You definitely need to check it out. It's right there. It's like the gateway to the Badlands and the Badlands are something that you have got to see. Put that on your bucket list, by the way. I just remembered what is. It's Myrtle, Murdo, South Dakota. That's where the automobile museum is. Sorry, Myrtle. I mispronounced your name there. Anyway, getting back to Badlands. You know, if you are, if you're going through South Dakota and you don't go to the Badlands, you've really messed up. They are so beautiful. And I mean, don't take my word for it. Right now there's a show on Paramount Plus. And it's called aerial America. See if you can find it. It's a documentary by the Smithsonian Institute and the very first episode on there is the Badlands. So you can check out the Badlands from, you know, from your couch. But it's nothing like seeing it in person. We had some family members that went on vacation up in that area. Last summer and I told him you have to go through the Badlands. Well, they drove by the Badlands on Interstate 90, which just barely touches the edge of the bad. Plans. And they thought that they'd seen the Badlands, that they didn't have to drive down into it. What they saw was absolutely nothing. They should have drove down into the Badlands. I had given them instructions how to do it, but they unfortunately they didn't do it. Hopefully they get back up to South Dakota again some days so that they can actually see the Badlands because they are absolutely stunning. I think you would enjoy them, you know, and whether you're on a motorcycle or driving a car around. I mean, you know, definitely check it out. You know, Speaking of driving. I'm jumping all over the place here today, but you know, like I said, it's a dismal, drab day outside. So what the heck? I'm just going to sit here and ramble at you back about 3 weeks ago I took my car in to Lewis Toyota here in Topeka, KS, and I had problems with the heater and air conditioner and also my driver side. Handle wouldn't roll down. Well, apparently they found out that the that a bracket that controlled the switch in between the heater and the air conditioner had busted and at some point someone that had on the vehicle before me had to let someone work on this on this thing. And they had put the bracket back together with the fish hook. Well, not kidding. With a fish hook. So anyway they got the bracket fixed, so the you know heater and air conditioner work, but they were still having problems with the window. The Nice people whose Toyota so that I wouldn't be stranded. They gave me a loaner car, brand new 2022 Toyota Camry. And for the past three weeks, we have been driving around in that Camry because they can't figure out what's going on with my driver side window. I guess apparently they have put in several switches that are just not working because of some module in there. They have tried to replace the window motor. That didn't work. They're trying one more time. They're going to get a used switch. They've tried two other use switches in there and something is not reading from the switch to this module that controls the. Motor. And so they're going to put in one more use switch, see if they can get it to read, see if they can get it to work. If it does not work. Then the only other option is to get this switch that cost $1000. Now I don't know about you, but I'd I'm not Elon Musk and I don't have $1000 in my wallet just to throw out there. It's already going to cost me around $600.00 for the heater work that was. Then. So I told him. I said, well, if this one don't work, I said just go ahead, get the window in an upright position. And I said, I'll just, I I'll deal with that. And if I pull up to a drive through or at the bank or something, I'll just open up the door as long as I have heater and air conditioner, I'm fine. But I'm telling you what, right now I'm not going to put out $1000 for a switch. That's just ridiculous. Why? Why did anybody think it was more convenient to make electric windows in an automobile? I mean, seriously. Give me a crank window any day of the week. Give me that window. Crank. By God, I can roll it up. I can roll it down. I don't have to worry about which is going out. The worst thing I have to worry about in the entire world. Is the window falling off track? That's it. If the window falls off track. So what? I open up the panel on the door. I put the window back on track. I see why it fell off track. Probably a loose screw somewhere. I just the screw. Put the panel back on and guess what? My window will roll up and down again. All I have to do is not be lazy and reach over there and crank it up. Crank it down. I don't care how many computer chips you stick into an automobile. OK? Nothing. Nothing will ever be as good. As a good old-fashioned automobile that she can pull underneath the shade tree and that she can work on yourself. I honestly think that all these car car manufacturers made cars very complicated to work on so that you'd have to take them to the dealership so that it would cost you a ton of money to get it fixed. You know, fortunately, the dealership I took my Lexus too. They they're good, honest people. They have honestly been trying shout out to Beth at the dealership. She's a she's a service manager. I've been dealing with there and they have just. They've been over backwards trying to get this problem fixed for me. So my hats off to Louis. Toyota my hats off to Beth and the concierge Angel. Poor Angel. She's had to take my calls every time I call and go. Hey, what's going on with the car? But they've been. They've been really great people. And I I really have no complaints over what they did. Like I said they. Over and above to do the right thing for me. So anyway, my shout out to them and hopefully next time I talk to you, you know I'll have the car back. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So what else have I been up to besides working hard in the studio and creating skin art on people? Oh my goodness. Been up to so much. Oh. I can't give away what this is in case a person is listening to this podcast because I want to be a surprise for them, but I am working on a very special painting right now and I was working on it yesterday afternoon. I actually had kind of wanted to get it done yesterday, but I didn't quite get there. I am going to finish it up today as a matter of fact. To get done with the podcast, I'm going to go work on this painting. It was really interesting. I was. Watching Ben Hur with Charlton Heston while I was doing this painting and I I will tell you that the movie that I was watching was absolutely appropriate for the painting I was doing. Hint, hint, hint. Anyway, Rachel, you know she's been battling. Cancer and the chemo kind of kicks her **** a little bit to where she gets really tired and she has to lay down. Well. She she got up right after I started the movie and she come out to see what I was doing and to grab a drink of water and take some of her medicine. And she goes back in and she weighs down. And about an hour and a half later, she gets up and she walks out into the front room. And of course, Ben her still on. It's a 342 minute movie and she says how long is this movie? And I hit pause and I had watched 153 minutes of it. And she says, how how long is it? I said three hours and 42 minutes and she just rose her eyes. And she goes. Can you pause it for a little bit so we can have dinner? I said sure. So we paused it. We had dinner, she got up. She went back into her room and I start the movie again and went back to my painting. And when the movie got done, I went in there and I said. She was kind of half awake and half sleep in the bed and I said, hey, you want to come out to the front room for a while and she says as long as I don't have to watch Ben her, I said no, no, I'm going to watch the sequel now. Ben him. And she threw a pillow at me. I don't. I don't know why she threw that pillow at me. But anyway, uh, I didn't get the painting finished last night. I sat there and really worked on it for quite a while. I got into a mood where I started singing songs from Jesus Christ Superstar. By the way, I know the whole opera. From beginning to end I the whole thing. I can even imitate the voices of each single character as they sing. Don't ask me why I don't know. But I can't and so I would just as I was pottering around as I'm working on this painting, I started singing different songs from Jesus Christ Superstar and I went into the kitchen. To put away the remnants of dinner and put them, you know, into Tupperware so we can have for leftovers. And I was in there singing another Jesus Christ Superstar song and all of a sudden, Rachel yells out. It's not in order. And I said what she says the songs you're singing, the songs, they're not in order. I said, yeah, I know they're not in order. That was intentional. And she goes intentional. I said, yeah, I just wanted to see if I could remember them out of order. And she's like, you're hopeless. There's no hope for you at all anyway. Yeah. I finished up what I was doing last night on the pain. Like I said, I'm going to. I'm going to try and finish it up today. You'll you'll see it in a few days.


I'm actually doing this as a surprise for someone, and yes, I'm giving away a painting. Can you believe that? Yeah. This will be a gift. And of course, that's nothing new for me. I. You know, I'm a professional artist and I sell my art, but I also believe that I should share my gift whenever I can. And a lot of times, you know, there's a couple of times during the year that. Oh, look for an excuse just to give away a painting. You know. No, no, no. Don't start emailing me saying. Hey, I'd be willing to get a free painting if you're looking for an excuse, because that's not how that works. The the people that get free pains from me, there's generally a really good reason why I do it now. I do like to give away a I do like, give away a free painting. Around Christmas time every year for the original painting, I like to do that. I'll hold some sort of contest, give that away. But I mean, if you're really interested in a piece of free artwork by me, I have this thing called Free Art Fridays. So every Friday I give away a free piece of art. Yep. That's right, you get a free piece of art every Friday, and the way that you get that free piece of art is fairly simple. All you have to do is sign up for the for our e-mail newsletter. That's it. That's all you have to do. And you get the e-mail on Friday. There's actually 3 emails that come every week. One is called at Needles Point and it deals with tattooing and piercing. Run is called the artist's life, which deals with with the artwork that I create. The fine art I create and the other one is free art Fridays and on free art Fridays you find out what the code is for you to go try and get one of the free prints that. I'm offering there are downloadable print, however, there's only twenty of them available, so you've got to be fairly quick to try to get it, but anyway. I just like giving back, you know, God gave me this wonderful talent and I like to share it with the world. I don't think I should just exclusively keep it to myself. Like I said, I am a professional artist and I do some art. And you know, it's it's a living along with the tattooing and piercing. It you know it's a living, but whenever I can give back some of what has been given to me. Hey, I'm all about that. There's no reason not to be. I mean, everybody in the world has a certain talent, something that they're really good at. Is there something that you're good at that you could take and give back to someone you know? Can I? I don't care what it is. You know how little the talent is? Surely there's something that you can do that you could give back to someone with and think about it. You'd be surprised. And it just makes you feel really good inside. Not only makes you feel good inside, but it makes others feel good inside. And when you give a lid over yourself to them. You know, that's something you should strive to do whenever the opportunity arises, you know, God blesses us all the time and he gives us many blessings. And sometimes we realize that sometimes we don't. But the blessings are always there. He's always given them to us. And if you can give back a blessing. That you have been given in just whatever little way you can. I mean, it don't have to be exactly the same thing if you were starving one time and someone gave you a sandwich. That's wonderful. No. Give someone else a sandwich, but it don't necessarily have to be a sandwich. Maybe you got a spare coke that somebody could use. Give them a spare coat. Maybe there's a neighbor who needs their house painted. Can you take us Saturday and go down there and paint it for them because they're unable to do it. I mean, I'm just using those as examples, but there's a lot of. Things you can do. This past weekend, as a chair fest, that's the thing that takes place across Topeka, where a bunch of the churches and town get together and they go to different schools and they do upgrades to the school. I was over at Cap City and Cap City High it is. It is a school for at risk children and when I was driving the school bus several years ago, I actually used to take Cap city kids back and forth to school. So Cap City has a place in my heart. So I was over there this past weekend helping out there. I help weed and I used the air blower to blow off. Blow off the patio out there and other people were painting and you know. We were giving back and what was funny was our Minister Connor Krauss from Topeka Bible Church. He had volunteered to power wash this wall out on the patio and he was over trying to get the power washer started. And he's, like, yanking on that cord. I good 15 minutes. He's out there. No, I don't think was 15 minutes. So. At least 5 minutes or so, he's yanking on the court and the power washers, and starting. So I walked over there. I said you need some help getting that started, Connor. He says, well, I got the choke code all the way out, and I reached down and I turned on the switch. I said try it now. And it started right up and wished I would have had a camera to take picture of his. Face but uh. You know some, sometimes you just need a little help, right? So, you know, we gave back this weekend the chair fast. It was. It was definitely a blessing. Anytime you can give back, I definitely strongly recommend that you do so. And they'll make you feel good and it'll make others feel good, I promise you. But uh, I guess I've rambled enough for, you know, one podcast. I'm glad you stuck around and listened to my ramblings. That was nice of you and you know. I keep telling you that I'll try to be more consistent with the podcast. I know I didn't have one last week. It seems like every other week I'm doing these podcasts. With my wife Rachel, going through going through this. Breast cancer scare her treatment her chemo treatment. What have you. Sometimes it's hard for me to get on here on Monday afternoons and then Tuesdays. I'm usually busy taking care of personal business. So, you know, seeing down Tuesday, trying to do the podcast is almost impossible. You know, because the studio was open sun Wednesday through Sunday. So my time is really limited. I definitely want to do it every week and I'm going to try to do it every week. I think I've figured out a way to schedule that to happen, but if I miss a week, don't hold it against me, OK, at least until. After Rachel is done with her chemo treatment, now, if I still keep skipping a week after she's done with her chemo treatment, she might say something to me because then there's. Excuse, but until that time I'll try to do it every week, but if I don't just forgive me and please pop in every other week and listen to me ramble away. But until that happens, and until next time. This is your friendly neighborhood Gypsy saying. May God bless and keep you and yours later, Gators. Bye. Bye now.

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