The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: Random Observation

The GYPSY Season 1 Episode 18

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: Random Observation

In this episode, The GYPSY takes a departure from his narrative to offer a "Random Observation" concerning the political landscape, particularly focusing on the lies and manipulations of former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6th riots at the Capitol.

Despite being a rebroadcast from January 2022, The GYPSY's analysis remains relevant in 2024, highlighting the enduring impact of Trump's actions and the susceptibility of his followers to his rhetoric. Drawing from his wealth of experience and insight, The GYPSY provides thought-provoking commentary on Trump's character and the dangerous implications of his behavior for American democracy.

As listeners join The GYPSY on this journey of reflection and analysis, they are invited to consider the broader implications of Trump's actions and the ongoing challenges facing the nation in confronting the divisive forces that threaten its democratic foundations.

Through his informed and thought-provoking insights, The GYPSY offers a compelling perspective on one of the most consequential figures in modern American politics, shedding light on the complexities of power, influence, and accountability in a democratic society.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 01/31/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024. 

“Like a Rubber Biskit, I have spent my life bouncing from here to there and back to here again.”  -The GYPSY-

"NEVER SAY NEVER: AN EPIC JOURNEY - VOLUME ONE" is now available on Amazon in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover Book form. CLICK HERE!

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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"Never Say Never: An Epic Journey - Volume One" is available in Kindle, Paperback, and Hard Cover on Amazon at

Welcome to Episode 18 of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show I am your host, the Gypsy. Well, last week you got to find out what happened after I discovered that my mom had burned up my comic books. You also got to listen to how I dealt with the retelling of that tale. It was just a hard time. Let's just put it that way. We won't go any further with that. But this week, though, I wanted to continue on with the story. I am suffering from a cold. Yes, that's right. I have a cold and I am absolutely afraid that I cannot get through this next episode of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show or rather the next episode that continues the telling of Shirley's tale my mother. Without, you know, coughing, hacking, blowing my nose, it's not running everywhere. You know, you get the idea. Anyway, So what I thought I would do this week is we would just deal with a bit of randomness, so you would deal with something that has been on my mind for a while, but it really came to the surface this past weekend and it kind of ties in with my mother. And I will explain why Donald Trump, the former twice impeach. Went on. One of his Rd. trips down to Texas this past week and proceeded to tell everybody several things that just. Were unbelievable. First off, he said that he would pardon the unfairly treated January 6th rioters. If and writers isn't the right term. He said protesters and for me you use the term rioters. That's wrong. They're insurrectionists, is what they are. But anyway, he said, if he was reelected president that he would pardon the unfairly treated protesters. First off, we'll backtrack. They're not protesters, they're insurrectionists. Secondly, they haven't been treated unfairly. The people that were treated unfairly were the American people. When these misguided individuals led by Donald Trump thought that they could overturn the election. Next thing he said was that Mike Pence had the power to overturn the election. There is no time in the history of this country that the Vice President of the United States has had the power to overturn an election. Neither can Congress nor the Senate do it. Nor can a President do it, even though. Donald Trump tried to do it. He tried to overturn the election. He's still trying. He's trying with his falsehoods about elections being rigged. The election was unfair, blah blah, blah. You've heard the story. You know what I'm talking about. He keeps Sonny's followers that the elections are rigged, that the elections are unfair, that they're never going to get a fair shake in the elections. Well. So I have to ask Donald Trump's followers this. If the elections are unfair, if they're rigged as he claims they are, then why you would you go out and vote? Why would you go vote for Donald Trump? Why would you go vote for any of the people that he endorses? Why would you vote at all? See, it makes no sense whatsoever. It's a true oxymoron brought to you by a moron. If the elections are rigged, if they're not to be trusted. Then don't even bother to vote. All you Donald Trump followers shall stay home on Election Day. That's what you should do, because the elections are rigged, right? Next thing Donald Trump did, and I feel this was the most disturbing thing of all, is that he told his followers. That if they see the federal prosecutors out of New York or anywhere for that matter, doing anything that they feel is illegal against him. That they should have massive protests in Washington, DC and all the major cities and all across the country because the federal prosecutors aren't going after him. They're going after them and see. This hits kind of close to home for me. If you've been following the story of my mother and never say never, an epic journey. You're probably coming to realize that my mother was pretty manipulative, but in case that point hasn't sunk in yet, let me explain to you exactly how manipulative she was. Donald Trump does exactly the same thing that my mother used to do. My mother would tell us that the reason why she didn't want my uncle to adopt me and my sister. Was because she didn't trust him. She felt that he would hold us against her. Sounds familiar? She also claimed that the reason why she held on so tight and the reason why she why she wouldn't get the treatment that she deserved or that she needed. Was that if she did, she would lose us, that they would use us against her, that it wasn't her. They were going after. They were going after me and my sister. Is any of this sounding familiar? She also used to claim. That people like my grandmother. My uncle Carl. Or just in coincidentally, anybody that knew her. Had the power. To keep. The powers that be from going after her. They could stop anybody. From going after her and putting her into the hospital. That wasn't true. It never was true. So you see, I see a lot of cross references here between Donald Trump and my mother. I I feel like I'm living in a world of deja vu here. Every time I listen to Donald Trump, I feel like I'm listening to my mother. Because maybe his message is political. In nature, but my mother's. Was personal nature and both of them start with AP and there's not that much distance between the two of them, I guess basically what I'm trying to say here is. And I'm not necessarily addressing these to this to Republicans, though. I do have to ask this question before I continue on. How can anybody, Republican, Democrat, independent, libertarian, it don't matter how can anybody claim to be a follower of Christ if they follow Donald Trump? In my church, we're doing a thing. We started deal on Leviticus. And it's the Book of holiness. And our minister, he uh. He brought up a good point. He brought up the point that. God wants us to be holy because he's holy now. God knows that we can't measure up to him and we never will. So you know, he kinda. Paves the way force in order to try to be more like him and to try to work towards it. You know it's it's kind of like the way I look at it and the Minister explained it different, but this is this is my take on it, OK? When we have children. OK, we tried to set an example for our children now. We're not perfect, you know, and we're going to fall short sometimes, but we try to set this example for our children of how we would like them to be. God does the same thing. He sets an example for us as children on how he would like us to be. This is why I don't understand why anybody who is a follower of Christ, who believes in loves God could be a follower of Donald Trump, because where God is holy, Donald Trump does everything that's unholy in the sight of God. And I'm not being judgmental here. I mean. OK, he lies. How many falsehoods did he tell? Why he was in office more than we can possibly count. He's an adulterer. He has not only been accused by women of, you know, being sexually motivated in their direction and sexual harassment, just misogynistic. But he's also admitted to it. I know you heard the recording. Oh, I'm rich and I can just go up and grab them by the, you know. That's adultery. The Bible tells us if we think it, we've done it and he's an adulterer. What does Donald Trump hold higher than God? Well, if you said himself himself, you're right. Donald Trump holds Donald Trump higher than God, but he also holds money higher than God. Donald Trump is money motivated. Everything he does is money, motive. Donald Trump wants to be the greatest man ever on Earth, and he wants to be the greatest man with money ever on Earth. So Donald Trump holds himself and he holds the almighty dollar higher than he does God. These are all things that are against the word of God. I could go on. Donald Trump has a very long list of all the unholy things he does. This is why I don't understand why. Anybody, especially evangelicals. Or anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ or, you know, love. God, how can you follow Donald Trump? Because he is the most ungodly, like individual that ever hit the public eye. But you know that's for you to reckon now. That's for something that you're going to have to stand before our Lord and the Savior and talk to him about some day. It's not up to me to. To judge you, I just. I'm just pointing out a fact here and the fact is, Donald Trump is not holy in any way, shape or form. I really do pray that, you know, maybe someday he'll see the light and. His soul would be saved. I'm not going to hold my breath for it to happen, but I do pray that that would happen because that would be the right thing to happen because honestly. I have no desire to see anybody suffer and burn in hell for eternity, but that's just me. My kind, digress a little bit. My mother, my mother, I hope. That she went to heaven at the time she died. She didn't know who she was. She didn't know where she was. Uh, she didn't even know that she's in bad shape. You know, one of the hardest things of. Her life was I come walking down the hall of the nursing home one day. And I've been taking care of my mom and making sure she's OK and my mom looked up at me and she said I hate you. I don't know. Sorry, I don't know where that came from. I don't know why she said it, but she said it. And it hit me hard. Every time I think about it, it hits me kind of hard. But my mom was suffering from dementia. My mom was suffering from Alzheimer's. I hope she was right with God when she died. I prayed for her every day. And hopefully God. Let her into his Kingdom. I really hope he did, but I won't know that until my time comes and I stand before his throne and. I can ask him where I can see her. Maybe she'll meet me at the gates of heaven that that would be really nice, I hope. But until that time, I'm going to keep on keeping on, I'm going to share her story with you. There's two more episodes in her story, by the way. We're down to the last two episodes. Both of them are pretty long, so if you like, if you like a long podcast. That's what you're going to get. But for today I'm getting ready to wrap this up because my throat is really sore and my nose is stuffy. I feel like I'm gonna sneeze any minute. I just wanted you to know two things here today. One was what my take on the former twice impeached, disgraced President Donald Trump. And how I find that what he's doing is dangerous. I find out how I find what he's doing is probably one of the worst things in the history of the world. And I also wanted you. To understand why Donald Trump affects me so badly because I see a lot of my mother in. I believe he's mentally unstable. I believe he suffers from dementia and I believe that we're in trouble if the pairs that be in the GOP don't start taking a stand against him and say enough is enough, we're not going to follow you any longer. And you, followers of Donald Trump out there, please, I pray that you open up your eyes and see what he's doing. Just open your eyes up. Anyway, hopefully I didn't lose any of my listeners, but if I did, I'm sorry. And hopefully you'll come back someday. But until then. This is your friendly neighborhood, Gypsy. Say, and join us next week for never say never. An empty journey. Volume one. It's been a hard. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I tried to skip a chapter. I'll have what she's having. But until then, May God bless and keep you and yours later, Gators. Bye. Bye now.





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