The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "In Case You Need A Reason To Vote."

The GYPSY Season 2 Episode 36

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "In Case You Need A Reason To Vote."

In the season two finale of The Rubber Biskit Road Show, it is Election Day 2022, and The GYPSY lays out several compelling reasons why you should carefully consider who you are voting for. He pulls no punches as he exposes would-be dictators, election deniers, and just plain morons trying to earn your vote.

The GYPSY asks you to think critically about your choices and whether these candidates are the type of people you really want to be associated with or who you want representing our country. He reminds us all that our vote matters and should not be wasted on those who would undermine our democracy.

Tune in for this powerful and thought-provoking episode as The GYPSY encourages you to make an informed decision at the polls and highlights the importance of protecting our democratic values.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 11/04/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season2RBRSEpisode36 - Podcast.mp3


Welcome on Episode 36 of the Rubber Biscuit Roadshow. I am your host, the Gypsy. Well, today is Election Day. That's right. Election Day 2022, November. Ohh, November 8th. There'll be a day to remember. I'm telling you what you know. It's important that you go out and vote. It's very important that you go out to vote and that you vote your heart. That is another important thing. But I got to put a caveat on on voting your heart. There's a lot of people out there that will strictly vote their party. They vote either Democrat or they vote Republican or they vote independent or they vote libertarian. They will only strictly vote their party. In America, we have the liberty and we have the freedom to vote for more than just our party. OK, granted, independents don't have a party, but you follow what I'm saying here. You don't have to vote your party just because you're registered to that party. Now, the reason why I'm saying this. Is because we're coming up on a very important election, right? Now. There are a lot of candidates running that are election deniers. They are conspiracy theorists. They are believing that maybe we should overthrow democracy. There's quite a few nut cases out there running. There is definitely liars. I could give you a list of mile. Song of the liars. The thing of it is is that. You don't have to vote strictly your party. I don't like to point fingers, but I'm going to point fingers here. Most of the aforementioned people. Are republican. And I'm sorry if that hurt somebody's feelings. I really am. But the truth is the truth. And the election deniers, the conspiracy theorists, the Big Liars are Republicans. Now. There's few liars on the Democrat side. Don't. Get me wrong. But we don't have people trying to overthrow democracy on the democratic side. On the Republican side, we have people trying to overthrow democracy. Let's take Kerry Lake, for instance, in Arizona. She has flat out basically said that she is not going to admit defeat if she loses that governor's race in Arizona. She's also said that she will change votes. She will change votes if she don't like the outcome of a presidential election. That's not democracy. That's totalitarianism. And no matter how you slice it, that's what it is. And there are other candidates on the ballot that are just like. Now when we talk about Big Liars, let's look at Herschel Walker down in Georgia. Herschel Walker is one of the biggest liars I've ever seen in my entire life. He sits there and he claims that he is a member of the Sheriff's Department. No, he's not. No. He's got a honorary badge that does not make him a member of the Sheriff's Department. He cannot go out there and. Do a rest and you know breakdown doors and get the bad guys. He claims that he has all this education. That he doesn't. He says that he never paid for an abortion. Well, according to his child. That didn't get aborted. He most certainly did. Plus, he's also a he's a child abuser, he's a child elector. This is a person that we want in the Senate. Really. I don't think so. Conspiracy theorist God, let's just look at Donald Trump as one. For instance, he is supporting Q Anon right now. Now. That shouldn't come as a surprise. He's given all the indications that he's going to support Q and on, but there's a lot of other candidates out there too that are conspiracy theorists. And it's just absolutely ridiculous how many of these people there are. And it really, really concerns me. Now. The one thing that I didn't mention in that list. Are the number of racists that are running. Racist. Just pure, out and out. Racist. If you are a good Christian.


If you are, if you are a person that is a follower of Christ. The things that should be bothering you here. Is the racists that are running for office the conspiracy theorists that are running for office liars are running for office and the election deniers that are running for office. It should concern you that there's people trying to overthrow. Our government. And that's exactly what they're doing. I'm you know, I'm going to call a spade a spade. And in this case, the spade is the Republicans and they are doing everything in their power they can to overthrow our government. They talk about how they're going to fix this, and they're going to fix that. They have their opportunities to fix this and that. And they never, ever. Did fix this and that the Democrats have been trying to fix this and that ever since the 2020 election. But the Republicans stand in their way. They block them, they filibuster everything. They don't allow fixes to be made. It's just ridiculous. People like to blame the Democrats for inflation and the high oil prices and possibly recession coming. Folks that started a long time before the Democrats were in office. I guarantee you it started a long time before the Democrats were in office. Go back and look at it and then once they were in there and they tried to curb these things. The Republican House and Senate both. They blocked him. They blocked him every single chance. They could possibly. Yep. Let me ask you something. As you go out to vote today. Do you really want people whose own intent is their own power, hunger, or do you want people that are actually going to serve? That's the thing you have to ask yourself if your Republican candidate is someone that's actually going to serve and it's not a conspiracy theorist is not an election denier, is not a liar, and it's not a racist. Then by all means, if they're actually going to serve and they're going to do something, then vote. Form. But if they are the things that I have mentioned. Why would you want to vote for them? Why would you allow somebody into office that is going to destroy our country? I just. I don't understand it. What I have to vote my party. No, you don't have to vote your party. You can vote those people out of office. That would try to destroy our country. You can keep those people out of office. That are trying to destroy our country. Democracy is a hard earned thing. It's never a guaranteed thing, but unfortunately we have people that realize that and they want to take the democracy away so that they can have their own power trip so that they can do their own thing so that they can be all powerful. They don't care about you. Honestly, do you think Donald Trump, when he's up there saying we we we actually means we we we know he. Means me, me, me. That's the only thing he needs. The only thing. Donald Trump cares. About is Donald Trump. He don't care about you. He just wants that power. That's all he wants is power. And what exactly did he do when he was in office, as I recall? Not much of anything except cause hate dissension cause our name all over the world to be dragged through the. Mud. Which brings me around to my next thing. Folks, I know you're intelligent. And I don't understand why you would follow someone like Donald Trump that preaches hate and dissension, and why you would go ahead and buy into that and be hateful and be just terrible people. All in all, why? Because you're following Donald Trump, because that's what he does. So you think you have to do it too. Gee, this sounds familiar. I think something like that happened back in World War 2. Wasn't there a guy over in Germany that was full of hate and anger and people followed him just because they thought they had? Two we saw. How that one worked out, didn't we? Donald Trump is not good for America. He is not good for the Republican Party, by any means, and he is not good for you as an individual. Donald Trump is out for himself and for himself only, and I know you don't. Maybe don't like to. Hear that if you. Are a follower of Donald Trump, but I'm sorry, you need to wake up. And smell the coffee. What would your grandmother say? If she saw you acting the way you've been acting following Donald Trump around, would she really be happy and pleased with you? What would your mother say? Does your mother agree with how your acting? Does your father agree with how you're acting? How about your friends? How about just your family in general? Are they in total full agreements with you sniffing around after Donald Trump like a dog in heat? I really don't think so. What I think is that maybe you need to do a little praying and you need to search your heart and you need to ask if this is the type of person you really want to be is this is the type of person that you want Jesus to find on the day that he returns. Do you want him to find someone that's filled with anger and hate and is doing the bidding of a dim my God? Or do you want Jesus to find a person that's full of love and full of compassion and following? Christ and God. I think we will really know the answer to that. Don't go around and fall down to false idols and that's what Donald Trump is he's a big orange false. Like. And he is talking to you from two sides of his mouth. He is a golden calf that is trying to draw your attention away from what's right, what's good and what's pure in the world and in the United States. This is our country. You have the power today on Election Day. To save our country, it is really up to you. Your vote will. Do it. But if you go out there and you vote for election deniers, conspiracy theorists, racists and liars. That's not going to save our country. That's just going to drive our country down further and further and further. And people like Donald Trump and other leaders in the Republican Party are going to dance with joy and Glee around their little bonfire and throw you right in that bonfire and not care one minute whether you're screaming for help, mercy or. Out of agony. I'm telling you, what's something that really, really just gets me and this in and of itself should be enough for you not to vote. For these Republicans that are trying to destroy our democracy. They want to. Go and take away your Social Security. How many of you out there are on Social Security right now, whether it be disability or survivor benefits or just your regular Social Security that you've worked hard for all your life that you put money away for all your? How many of you out there are on Social Security and how many of you are scared that it's going to get taken away? And if you're not scared, that's going to get taken away, you should be scared because that's exactly what they're going to try to do. They're going to try to take away your Social Security. You say to yourself, oh, they wouldn't do. That why would they do that? The reason why they would do that is because they can use that money for all their little pet projects. There's a thing called pork. Are you aware of what pork is? It's not that yummy bacon that we eat on the BLT and it's not that yummy set of ribs that we have over the barbecue in. The summer time. Torque is something that is added on to the end of the bill to get a senator or a congressman to vote for the bill. Pork usually has to do with something with their district. Let's say I'll just give you an example. Let's say a senator would like a new bridge built in their district. Well, they add that pork onto the end. And on to the end of the bill so that they can get that Senator to vote for the bill. The bill might be for feeding families, OK, just extra food to feed families with. But now this senator has this pork, which isn't food added on to. The end of the bill. And it's millions of dollars. So you can get that bridge made. Otherwise he's so concerned with the in that. Bridge made well. Probably because he's gaining a kickback somewhere under the table from the contractors that are going to build the bridge, and it's all just a vicious circle. That's how it works. But. If they don't have the money for the pork. Then they can't attach the pork to the bill where you get the money from. Well, you get rid of a program that puts billions of dollars into hard working peoples pocket every single year. Social Security. You take away a person's Social Security and now you have that money for that fork on the end of that bill. This is just one example of how they would use your Social Security, but I'm telling you right now. You should be very, very afraid and you should not let these people get into office. You should not at all allow them into office. I am telling you right now that if you let these people into office, it is the biggest mistake of your entire life because they're going to take from you the things they give you comfort. Especially those things that give you. Comfort in your old age. This hits close to home for me. It's personal. My wife is on disability, has been for years, and I myself I'm now 66 years old. I'm holding off to get my Social Security until I'm 70. Why? Until I'm 70? Because I will have enough to live on if I wait until I'm 70. If I get it now, I'm losing almost $700.00 a month. That I could have if I wait until I'm 70. So I'm telling you folks seriously. Don't let these people get into office. Don't let these people get into office. They're going to take away your Social Security. Don't let these people get into office that are going to, you know, tell you lies. Take away your right to freedom. Take away your vote. That's actually what they're wanting to do. They're wanting to take away your vote and put the people into office that they want into office. They don't care. About your vote. Your vote would no longer matter. Your vote wouldn't be yours anymore. If they're allowed to get in there and say who they want in office, rather than recognizing your vote. We're in trouble. That's when we lose our democracy. I know you're sitting here and the main things you're worried about right now is inflation, high gas prices, recession, putting food on the. Table but don't. Look past the end of your notes. Don't just look at that. Look ahead. Look ahead to the future and look ahead of what these people are going to do. To our country, if you allow them to. Get into office. So please please, I beg you. Go out. Vote for people that are going. To do the job. But don't vote for those people full of hate full of anger. Full of. Their own self worth their own parametric. That don't go out there and vote for. People that are going. To take away your right to vote. They're going to take away your Social Security. They're going to take away your Medicare, your Medicaid. They might even take away your food stamps at the end of the day. Anna, that should make you afraid. That should make you very afraid. Because, folks, I'm telling you what these programs help millions of Americans every year. And someone listening to this right now, it might be you that it's helping, but you're going to lose it. And we're going to lose our democracy. We're going to lose our freedoms, and we're going to lose our right to vote. If you vote Republicans into office, that are conspiracy theorists, liars. Election deniers and racist. Let's not let this happen. Please think when you go out there to vote today before you cast that ballot, think really hard about what you're doing. I know I got up on my soapbox here, but there's a good reason for me to get up on my soapbox, and it's because I want to see our country safe. I really do and it's you. You that can save it. Only you can save it. Be a kind good, compassionate and intelligent person. Don't go down that path of hate, dissension and play into somebody's own power game. Play. Play the game of somebody that really, really don't care about you or what you're going to do. I know there's bad Democrats, there's bad politicians everywhere. But I have yet to hear Democrats about conspiracy theories. I have yet to hear a Democrat be a racist. I have yet to hear a Democrat anywhere deny the election. So please think. About what you're doing when you go out there and vote. Just. Think about people like Doctor Oz who moved to Pennsylvania just so that he could run for see. He's not from Pennsylvania. John Fetterman is. That's John Fetterman's home Pennsylvanians and doctor Oz's home. Why would you want to vote for? Somebody. Whose home it isn't. Think about people like Herschel Walker. What a liar. What? Just an idiot. He is an absolute moron. You really want that? Representing you in the Senate. I mean you. Got Reverend Raphael Warnock, who's a well educated man. And you got Herschel Walker. Which do you want to represent you? Which do you want to represent, America? And then we come back around again to carry lake out in Arizona. Really. Katie Hobbs has served in the public interest for years and years and years. She's a public servant Carrie Hobbs. Is a media hound. All she wants is publicity. All she wants to see her name up in lights. She wants to be Kate. She wants to be carry lake, Carry Lake, the governor. But she don't want to be carried like the person that actually works for you. She wants to be carry like the person that takes away your vote. So think today folks think when you go out to vote and please, please make the right decisions, not the wrong ones. Exercise your right to vote, but exercise it wisely and with intelligence and with thinking ahead about what your vote means for the future of America.


Well, I'll step down off my soapbox now. I'm actually going to go ahead and post this a day before the election, just hopefully so I can get through to some extra people. Yes, I recorded it before Election Day and that's that's the only way I can do my podcast. If it's as if I do that. But I am going to go ahead and post it the day before the election. Just so. That. Extra people here. Anyway. This is your friendly neighborhood Gypsy saying. May God bless and keep you and yours. Later, Gators. Bye bye now.

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