The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: A Few Slugs, A Few Plugs and Happy Mugs

The GYPSY Season 2 Episode 34

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: A Few Slugs, A Few Plugs and Happy Mugs

In this episode of The Rubber Biskit Road Show, The GYPSY, in true Rubber Biskit form, bounces from subject to subject, keeping listeners engaged and entertained. He begins by sharing a personal story about the sacrifice he had to make to acquire a new car after his Lexus was stolen.

Next, The GYPSY introduces listeners to the fine dining and exquisite food that can only be found in the Northeast region of Kansas. His vivid descriptions and personal anecdotes will leave you craving a culinary adventure.

The GYPSY also takes a moment to plug his Artist Alley Studio Tattoos and Piercings Gallery, showcasing his dual talent as both a visual artist and body art expert. His passion for his craft shines through, inviting listeners to explore his gallery and services.

As the episode progresses, The GYPSY steps up on his soapbox to discuss American politics, sharing his thoughts on the current state and future direction of the country. His candid and insightful commentary is sure to provoke thought and discussion.

Bounce along with The GYPSY in this fast-moving episode of The Rubber Biskit Road Show and discover why no topic is too large or too small for this intrepid man of the world.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 08/23/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season2RBRSEpisode34 - Podcast.mp3


Welcome to Episode 34 of the Rubber Biscuit Roadshow. I am your host, the Gypsy. Well, look at this. I'm actually being able to get this podcast out. Two weeks in a row. Well, wonders never cease. It's not that I don't want to get it out every week. It's just life seems to get in the way sometimes. But here I am. Second week in a row, I'm on A roll. Now, who knows? I might break my record. You never know anyway. Oh, I don't know a lot to talk about this week. Yesterday, I made one of the hardest decisions of my life. I traded my. Of 2003 anniversary edition 100th Anniversary edition Harley-Davidson FLHT Ultra Classic for a Subaru Forester. Now, before you say to yourself what the heck, Gypsy, let me explain. Uh, due to physical limitations of myself, my knees are not what they used to be. Details in my life, personal considerations, all sorts of things I have not over the past couple of years been able to write as much as I. Wanted. To and in not writing as much as I wanted to every time I saw the bike sitting in the garage, it just kind of depressed me a little bit. Well, after our car was stolen. Last month it got me to thinking more and more about when we got ready to get another car, using it as a trade in. So that I could lessen our payment because to be quite honest with you, making a card payment was not something that was in our plans. Our vehicle was paid off. All of our vehicles are paid off the motorcycle in the Lexus and we just were not ready to be making the car payment. We did not want to make a car payment. We like paying cash for everything. So with the thought in mind that, hey, we're going to be faced with making a card payment. And all things considered. When it came to my lack of being able to go out and ride as much as I wanted to, I went well. It makes sense to use it as a down payment on a car and. You know, throw a little cash after that and that way, you know, we wouldn't have to borrow that much and we'd have a low payment, which is exactly what happened. We don't have to borrow that much and we have low payment. Kind of figure God was looking out for me because I was online yesterday morning and was checking on the sides. I've been checking for autos for anticipation again. The insurance settlement from State Farm on our stolen car. When I came across this forester and I was like, wow, great price, great condition and it just happened to be at a local dealer. So I had run over to my dentist yesterday morning because I lost a cap over the weekend and make an appointment to go get the CAP replaced and decide to stop by the Subaru dealer brings. Shuttle here in. Go and check out this car. What was funny is I went in and they had no idea what I was talking about. I said, well, you got it listed online and they said we do. And I said, yeah, I said I saw it this morning. So they started checking. What have you found out? It hadn't even gone through the shop's final inspection. They just got in as. A trade in, I don't know. Listed it, but it it wasn't ready to go but they got it ready to go. Took a look at it. I really liked it and I took it to the house, drove it over to the House, showed it to my wife. She really liked it, and we made the decision to go ahead and get it. So we spent the majority of the day yesterday over there, very Subaru. Getting the car taken care of and trading in the bike. I am going to Miss Silver Street. That was the name of my bike. I'm going to Miss Silver Street quite a bit. But on the up side, I do have the 1983 Ranger that I'm restoring and that Ranger is going to be fun to cruise around in. So I'm still going to have something cruise around in and I'm going to have something that's not going to affect my knees and cause me pain when I go to get off by cause that was happening my well, I have a I got a knee replacement on the left side back in 2015, but you know, it's not as limber as it used to be. And then my right side, I think I'm looking at knee replacement here before too much longer on the right side, so. All in all, I think it was the right decision to make, not that it was an easy decision. It was just the right one and it helped us out in, you know, in our time of need so. What can I say? God looks out for us, you know? God don't always give us what we want, but he gives us what we need. And this forester is definitely what we needed. Had fun with it yesterday afternoon. I dropped Rachel Rachel off at some place that she was willing to visit, and I took it for a drive and I went over to Alma KS and went to the Alma Creamery and got some almond cheese. Now, if you've never had almond cheese and you live anywhere in Kansas. And haven't made a trip to Alma Creamery. Boy, you are backing up. I'm telling you what you can you can get online. You can go to the website online and. You know, order cheese from there. But I'm telling you what, it's the best cheese ever. Oh, it is so good. I picked up some pepper Jack. I picked up a Kobe, and I picked up a Kobe, A Kobe Jack. And I'm telling you what it is such good cheese. You know you can go to Walmart and buy that crappy cheese all day long. Have fun with that. I'll take that little nice drive overall and I'll buy the good cheese. And like I said, it's a nice drive over down, no matter where you're at in Kansas, going around, what a great drive. I'm telling you what right now. If you live down in southeast Kansas. And you want a nice nice drive. Like let's say you got a weekday off, right? You're or even a Saturday. Take off early Saturday morning. Head up 99 Hwy. 99 highway goes right into Alma, but head up 99 highway. That is a beautiful drive, especially in the fall. Come up to Alma, get your cheese and then head back home. Now. I will give you a heads up. I got the heads up yesterday. There is a new travel center going in at the Alma exit off of I-70 there and I'm I think it's exit 303, but don't quote me on that. But anyway. It's the Almanac that there's a new travel center going up and Alma's going to have a store. Alma Creamery is going to have a store in that travel center, and they'll be open for, you know. More hours there at the travel center. The outlet store at the Creamery. If the factory itself is going to be opened up until 3:00 in the afternoon, so kind of plan your trip around that if you show up after 3:00 in the afternoon, you'll just have to drive up the road. The wheel ways to go to the travel center and get travel my cheese. But. Man, I'm telling you what? Well, how much? Especially in the fall and winter? Ohh. It's like. It's me and Rachel's one me and Rachel's favorite things. Get some summer sausage. Get some crackers, grab some almond cheese and watch some holiday movies. Yeah, good times. Sometime you want. Had the fireplace going? Have the animals snuggled up around us, hoping that we drop a summer sausage piece of cheese or crack. And just sit there and watch some some nice holiday movies. Like I said, if you haven't been to Alma, KS and the Alma Creamery, you don't know what you're missing. But once you do go there, you will know what you're missing, and you'll want to go back again and again and again. So there's a plug for you on the Kansas, and there's a plug for you. I'm a Creamery. I can't say enough about you guys. Anyway. I need to digress a little bit and tell you something. Rachel and I, after we finally got the car thing taken care of yesterday, we went to have lunch at a new cafe downtown called The Olive Cafe. It's authentic Mediterranean food and it is so. Good. And if you live in the Topeak area, make sure that you go to 10th and Kansas Ave. and check out uh, the Olive Cafe. Nice old cafe. It's owned by an Egyptian man by the name of Jack. I've never met anyone from Egypt named Jack, but you know. Who knows? You know, everybody in Egypt made me named Jack. I've never visited Egypt, so I don't know any way. He was extremely nice. And the the girl, I'm assuming was his wife. She was extremely nice, too. Very nice people, very good food. If you're in the Topeka area, I strongly urge you to go visit. The Olive Cafe at 10th and Kansas Ave. I'll tell you what, they got a little meeting room there in the back that they've done up and it's done up just like a Turkish lounge. You, you, you really got to go check this place out. Beautiful place and great food. Great people. Can't say enough about it. Gave them a 5 star review and I know Rachel did too. So go check out the Olive Cafe in Topeka. Sounds like I'm doing all commercials today, don't it? I've talked about Briggs Subaru, and how you know, accommodating they were. And I talked about the AMA Creamery and the great cheese they have. And I just told you go visit the Olive Cafe. By having said anything about my business at all, have I artist alley studio tattoos and piercings, and also fine art and portraits and gifts and gift cards and body jewelry? And how come you're not coming by to see us? Now we have a lot of people come to see us all the time, but have you come to see us recently? Have you come to get a tattoo or Pierce seen? Or have you come to, you know, buy some artwork or buy candle, buy some soap, buy some body jewelry? Have you just come by to say hi, Gypsy? Hi, Rachel. Hmm, no you haven't. Well, what are you waiting for? Once you stop by, you know we are on Topeka Blvd. Just past banjos out there by Forbes Field, 5836 SW Topeka Blvd. There. I just plugged the studio. I'm done with the commercials for the day. No more commercials. That's it. Done. Finished. I don't like commercials. I'm sure you don't either. But all I have to say to finish that part of the show up is water goes down the drain. Clug Clug clug come by artist Alley studio. Next chance you get plug plug plug. OK, I'm done with. That. Did you like my poem? I like poetry. Anyway, I have got to go out later, no matter what the temperature is in our swimming pool. And I have got to clean out the swimming pool. I've got lazy. But you know, we had some rain. And what have you. And but I got. I got to go back and buy my the swimming pool. We we have this problem. We have these things called squirrels. I don't know if you've ever seen a squirrel or not. They're little fuzzy red thing with a little fuzzy red tail. They're extremely mischievous and they like to cause a lot of trouble. Well, these little things called squirrels are climbing up into an oak tree that's near our pool. They're eating the acorns out of the oak tree, and then they're taking the tops of the acorn, and they're dropping them into the pool. Now, you may say to yourself, oh, well, just see, you know, they're a little wild animal. They don't know what they're doing. And I would say to you BS. They do know what they're doing. I stood right there one day and watched them. Eat an acorn, go out to the end of the limb and drop the top of the acorn into the pool. He could have dropped the acorn from right where he was at, but he made an extra effort to go out on the end of that limb and drop it in the pool, and he watched it hit the water. I think they're dropping the tops of the acorns into the water as a form of entertainment. I wish they would go to Genuine's club or a movie or someplace else for their entertainment and not over our pool, but it looks like they're going to keep doing that. So no matter what the temperature is later on today, I'm going to have to go out there. And I'm going to have to vacuum the bottom of the pool because the God get those acorn tops out of there. Don't know how much longer we're going to be able to swim. Weather's crazy, isn't it? You know, it's so hot. It's so hot. You're just melting one minute and then the next minute, what happens? You're freezing cold. Oh, crazy weather. I love the people that say there's no such thing as climate change. Well, you know what, people all I say is people that don't believe in climate change. I don't believe in people, those people. So that's all I got to say. If climate change don't exist, they don't exist either. You know, if they say, hey, wait a minute, I exist. Well, guess what? So does climate change. Get a grip. We got to do something. We got to get this cleared up. It's just. Absolutely nuts and insane that uh. That we have so many deniers out there. Oh, my God, there's so many deniers. So many deniers over everything. I mean deniers over climate change. Election deniers. Election deniers. Come on, give me a break. Really. Election deniers? Let me tell you something happening here in Kansas right now. I don't know the millionaires name. I have no idea. I'll call him Richie *******. OK, that's going to be my name for him. This millionaires name is Richie jerk. He financed, he financed a recount of votes on our question the. Uh. Value them both. Amendment that was trying to be passed through vote yes or vote no. He didn't like the fact that the majority of Kansans said no, they did not want government making determinations for us, and that's what it meant. Wanted to. If we would have passed this amendment, everybody who's talking about the abortion factor of it, that's not why I voted no on it. I voted no because we opened the door to let government make decisions for us instead of us being able to make decisions for ourselves. And instead of us being able to vote on those decisions. If this amendment would have passed, it would have given the government, especially the Republicans, who would just love to do this, the right to make our decisions for us. And I wasn't going to stand by and let that happen. So anyway, this millionaire Richie **** *** he he financed his recount because he didn't like the fact that people said no. Well, when he financed his recount, he decided that he wasn't going to reimburse one of the counties because they didn't get the recount done quick enough to his satisfaction. Oh, you should have done that recount quicker. Now I'm not. Going to reimburse you? Well, now he's saying that there was. That there was election fraud, that there was voter fraud. In the in the passing of this. Of this amendment of this amendment, well, the amendment then passed, but in the denying of this amendment, he's saying there was voter fraud. When they did the recount. There were only 63 votes. That were overturned in the recount. That's it. Again. There was no voter fraud. But yet he wants to say, oh, I got money to throw around, so I'm going to try and prove there was voter fraud because I don't like the results of the election. I don't like the results that came out of this. If I like the results, I wouldn't be doing a recount. But I don't like the results. So I'm going to do a recount. I'm going to throw my money around and do a recount. You know what these people remind me of? They remind me of children that when you set a when you set a plate before them at the dinner table and they.

Go. Oh. I don't like that I'm not going to eat it. I want something else.

So they don't accept. What is put in front of them? They don't accept what they can clearly see with their eyes. Because they don't like it. Say little Timmy or little Johnny or little Gladys or little Gertrude. Have you ever tried ice cream with fudge? On top of.

It no, but I know I'm not going to like it, eh?

That's what type of people these are. They're not willing to accept what's put in front of them. They're not willing to try what is put in front of them, what they're willing to do is go.

Eh, there is no way in the world now I'm going to like a cherry popsicle, yak.

That's what type of people we're talking about here. OK, I know. You know, usually people use the example of liver or beets or something like that, you know? But it don't make a difference. Whatever is put in front of them, they're not going to accept that. They're not going to like it. And they're going to fight against it. Unless it's something that they've already have in their head, this preconceived notion that they have in their head. That this is how things are.

You know.

Of course, we know Trump's won the biggest election deniers, but we have another one that's dangerous, very dangerous. And listen to me here. It's Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida. You know, he said the other day that Florida is where woke goes to die. Folks, I don't necessarily like the term woke, but do you know what woke means? It means being aware and fighting against racial injustice and social injustice. That's what it means. So basically what Ronda Santa said was, I don't care, and I'm going to go ahead and speak for for it and say Florida don't care about racial injustice. I don't care. And. Florida don't care about social injustice, so we're just going to kill it, right? Here. We're going to kill it. We don't care about racial injustice. We don't care about social injustice, so we'll just kill it here and we're going to do. Whatever we feel. Like, no matter who it affects, no matter how wrong it is. No matter what race that affects, no matter what demographic that affects demographic, demographic that affects, we're just going to do whatever because.

We don't like it. Eww. I hate ice cream with fudge.

That's who Ron DeSantis is. That's who Donald Trump is. That's who all the election deniers and votes. Are and. I I don't get the people that follow these people, I don't understand. I I want to have faith in my fellow Americans and, you know, hope that they're more intelligent than than that, but. You know what the deal is here, guys. Donald Trump has been deceiving. Morons. For over 30 years now, I mean, he just flat out deceived them. The and I'm calling them what they are. They're morons. They hang on and they listen to every word he has to say. They think he walks on water. What they're doing is they're following a false prophet. And they're following someone that don't have their best interests in heart. The the only thing these people, Donald Trump, Ron de Santis. I I delicious goes on and on, Marjorie Taylor Green. Matt Gates. All of them. Jim Jordan. The only thing that they care about. Is themselves and their own self-interest. I hope if you're listening to this and your supporter of these people that you step back a second and take a look, I I'm not telling you or asking you or suggesting to you that you will like anybody on the democratic side. That's not what I'm doing. What I'm doing is I'm asking you to step back and take a look at these people. And think to yourself and observe them and pay attention and go. Is that someone I really want to follow? Maybe not. I I don't think they care about me. And honestly, they don't care about you. You know, I did it again. I tried not to do it. I really do. But I ended up getting up on my soapbox. Oh, my gosh. I don't know why I do that. I'm going to move away from that. I'm going to move totally away from that. I'm going to just flip the coin out of there and tell you about a little nice. Wasn't surprised that I got this week. My daughter, who was down in Abilene, TX. Renee Compton. And my granddaughter, I've known for a while now. They want to come up and get tattoos from me. But she informed me that my other granddaughter, Sarah, her husband and my two great grandchildren, Jack and Adam, that they're going to be out of town out of Abilene over the Christmas holiday. And my daughter. Ask if I would be interested in having her and my granddaughter Andrea and my son-in-law grant come up and spend Christmas with us and my answer was hell yes. I have not spent Christmas. With my daughter, my granddaughter, my son-in-law. Since I was trying to figure it out the other day, the last time was in 20. 12 I believe, yeah, it was. 2012 was the last time I spent Christmas with them. And that's way too long ago. Way too long ago.


I miss them. What can I say? And I think having them up here for Christmas would be wonderful. I mean, I take them so many places where. Mount, take them to the lights before Christmas, out at the Topeka Zoo would take them to the Plaza lights in Kansas City. Take them to Union Station. Let me see the huge train. Way down there at Union Station at Christmas time. That'd totally trip amount if we had time go to the Plaza. I mean, there's just. Won't have enough time to do everything I want to do with them, but I can do a lot with them and we can have a great, great Christmas. Now, my son-in-law says that he might not be able to make it depending on, you know, how their finances are at the time, he may have to work. He owns his own company. You know how it is. Small business owners, you know, we never get any rest, but. I can understand if he can't make it, I hope he can make it. I really do. I, you know, I'd like to see him, but if he can't make it, I'll just have to understand. But if nothing else. Uh, my daughter, my granddaughter. Man, be great to see them. I do love them a lot, I've. I won't get into it, but I was. I was a jerk back here a few years ago and I. I ruined our relationship and my daughter and my granddaughters and my son-in-law have been loving enough and generous enough and big hearted enough to accept my apology and for us to, you know, work on our relationship and. Get it rebuilt and I am ever so grateful because you know my daughter's my baby girl. She's my first born and she means the world to me. My granddaughter Andrea, she was my first grandchild and she's very special to me. And she means a lot to me and my son-in-law, he. You know, he's a great guy. I. Will be truthful with you. I did not like him when I first met him. I won't go into the reasons why I didn't like him. He knows why I didn't like him. And I had no faith in him at all. Just to be flat out honest about it. But you know what? He has been married to my daughter since, uh, what is it 19? 888989 I think it's 1989. When they got married. Anyway. He's stayed married to her since that time. I want you to think about how many years that is. OK, we're talking 30. What? 33 years? 33 years. My daughter and my son-in-law have been married. They have raised a family. They're raising grandkids now. They love each other immensely. You know, all of us, I've. I've never had a relationship that long. My longest one was fell short in just 20 years, you know? But my dear Lord. 33 years. That's amazing. And they still love each other just as much as the first day they met. So I'm very proud of both of them, and I'm really glad that they've built a family and that they build a life together. They're awesome. I hope to see them at Christmas time, keeping my fingers crossed. I. I'm so excited. I'll be like a kid before Christmas anyway. I'm. I'm about talked out for this episode of the Rubber Biscuit Roadshow. I think you all have heard enough from me for the now. I hope that your world is wonderful. I hope that is free of strife. And anguish and whatever else and you know. I just really really hope. That until the next time we meet that you are in good health, your friends and family are in good health and that the good Lord blesses you with everything you want and need, but until then, May God bless and keep you and yours later, Gator. Bye bye now.

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