The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "The Happiness Within"

The GYPSY Season 1 Episode 27

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "The Happiness Within"

In this soulful episode of the Rubber Biskit Road Show, The GYPSY delves into the profound topic of finding inner happiness and peace amidst life's challenges. With his characteristic blend of wisdom and wit, he explores the complexities of motherhood, abortions, parenthood, and family, offering insights into how tough decisions can lead to peace rather than sorrow.

Throughout the episode, The GYPSY emphasizes the importance of listening to one's inner voice and following it, even when faced with difficult choices. He shares personal anecdotes and reflections on what brings him inner happiness and peace, exploring the intersection between faith and personal fulfillment.

Drawing from his own experiences and observations, The GYPSY also delves into the faith of others, offering thought-provoking insights into the deeper meanings of spiritual teachings, such as the Lord's Prayer. By breaking down this important aspect of Christian doctrine, he encourages listeners to explore their own faith journey and discover the profound truths that lie within.

Listeners are invited to join The GYPSY on this faith-filled exploration of inner happiness and peace, as he offers guidance and inspiration for finding fulfillment in life's journey. Through heartfelt storytelling and insightful commentary, he helps listeners uncover the happiness within themselves, leading to a deeper understanding of faith, purpose, and personal fulfillment.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 05/08/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season1RBRSEpisode27 - Podcast.mp3


welcome to episode twenty seven of the rubber biscuit roadshow i am your host the gypsy well just a couple of days ago we had mother's day in i bet you can't guess what i spent all day thinking of on mother's day that's right pizza spent all day long thinking about pizza man i love pizza OK inside yeah i do love pizza i mean and i think about it quite a bit but uh no i was thinking about mothers you know mothers come in all shapes and sizes short tall big small round flat mean nice i mean you name it there's a mother for every single situation out there umm my mother my mother just had mental health problems and you know we dealt with it as we could and it was funny you know i kind of kind of always had this visual picture of you know my mom being like you know june ever but you know unfortunately she wasn't actually my grandmother was more like june cleaver than my mom was and my grandmother treated me like a mother so when mother 's day came around always said happy mother 's day to grandma i'm sure a lot of you say happy mother 's day to your grandmas too and i said happy mother 's day to my mother and just a tough thing you know and i've i've got children and they of course had mothers and you know it's really odd none of those mothers turned out to be june cleaver type either i don't honestly think there's a june cleaver type mother out there anywhere if there is i would be just absolutely surprised it it just does not happen television paints this beautiful fantasy about what a mother should be or how she should be you get your june cleavers and your donna reeds and the truth of the matter is is that mothers are just human and as i said just a couple of minutes ago you know some of them are good and some of them are bad some of them have no business ever having a child such as casey anthony personally i think she should have been sterilized but that's just my personal opinion the the thing about bad mothers is the irreparable damage that they do to their children it just it's it's a horrible thing and the thing about good mothers is all the good that they do for their children it's really sad though sometimes when a good mother goes bad and it does happen unfortunately but that's life and the thing of it is is that when when good mothers go bad that that could be like a show on lifetime i think they uh they usually have some sort of mental health issue and that's usually the bottom line of it and that's the time when you know help needs to be had for these people now something that really concerns me of course everybody knows about this controversy over the leak of the supreme court on roe versus wade don't know what's going to happen with that i'm not even going to speculate this is just one big cluster of a mess it's just it's stupid it's ignorant i am upset though however that trump 's supreme court nominees basically lied during the senate hearings for their confirmation but that's that's another story for another day you all know what's happening you're all watching the news i want to get back to this abortion issue now i am a strange sort of animal i am a pro life democrat and what i mean by that is i believe that abortion is a medical procedure but it's an emergency medical procedure i believe that it should only be used in the case of rape or incest or non viability outside the womb of a baby or to save the mother 's life those are the only for instances where i think it should be allowed to use it as birth control that's totally wrong it just it boggles my mind and it breaks my heart to think about somebody going out and killing the baby because it's their body their choice yeah it's your body and your choice however you there's another human life you have to think about and that's one inside of you you don't want that human life that's fine put that human life up for adoption but if you have no good reason no emergency medical reason for terminating that life then what you're doing is selfish and that is one thing that is just really really hard for me to swallow with people being selfish and this it's all about me society sometimes it isn't really all about me sometimes it's about others others being even unborn children those are others you got to start thinking about other people if and it's funny i feel like i'm going to echo sermon and i just heard a church but it's true i've thought this for years that if you want to truly be happy me you have to think about others before you think about yourself that's where true happiness comes from that's it's something that comes from deep inside and think about this i'll put this into perspective for you when you give a gift from the heart to someone you love and you see them smile and you see how much they appreciate that gift how does that make you feel inside right you weren't doing that for yourself you did that for that person you cared about and when you saw how happy they were you were happy too when you see a baby take its first steps and you're there to witness it and you can see the joy on the baby 's face and maybe you're the parent witnessing it or maybe you're just a friend or a relative that happens to be fortunate enough to be there to see it and see the parents face light up how do you feel it's not about you at that point it's about that baby and it's about those people around that baby and how happy they are see when you start thinking about others it brings true happiness inside you but when you're only thinking about yourself where's the happiness you know they're i'm sorry there's no happiness there oh i i need to win the lottery i that's all i think about is winning the lottery well really that's all you think about is winning the lottery and what are you going to do with that lottery oh i'm going to use it for good well statistically most people that win the lottery or broke in ten years and i doubt very seriously if very much good was done with the lottery winnings however you know if you win the lottery and you start doing a whole lot of good with it well not only will you be rich financially but you'll be rich in all the things that matter which is thinking about others and doing good for others i my my entire life i guess i've strove not to be selfish and i am i admit it i'm selfish in a lot of ways i'm selfish in a whole lot of ways i i think about myself quite a bit and i think about the what ifs you know in my life i i know i'm not supposed to i shouldn't be thinking about what ifs but i'm human and i do think about what is but the thing of it is is that i try to counterbalance that as much as i can and i definitely try to do for others whenever i can and i'm not going to sit here and blow my own horn and tell you about all the different things i've donated to and all the different volunteer efforts i've done in my life that's you know that would be being about me that'd be being selfish again anybody that knows me knows the things i've done do you want know things i've done doing internet search i'm all over the place on the internet but thing of it is is the point i guess that i'm really trying to make here is that i try to counter myself fish nature did i say even say that right sound like came out weird i tried to counter my selfish nature by doing things to help others to where it's not about me but it's about others and i hope it works you know i i talked to god daily i really do i i speak with you every day and sometimes my prayers are probably will redundant on his ears but you know always try to make sure that when i talk to him and after asking for the things that are important to me which usually amount to his protection and his guidance that's those are the things that are important to me and those are the things i usually ask for i asked for others i asked for my wife who as you know was going through cancer right now and so i ask for things concerning her and i asked for me to be able to give blessings back to others that's that's an important thing for me if there's somebody that needs a special prayer request i i pray for them but thing of it is is that i try to talk to god on a daily basis and it makes me feel good it makes me feel really good because when i talk to him even though i'm asking for those things his protection and his guidance from him i'm asking for things for others i'm thinking about others i'm not just thinking about myself and that makes me feel good and then when i see god answer those prayers that i've asked for others well i tell you what it's the greatest feeling on the world it it it's it's a great great feeling to see a prayer answered i'll give you an example just had a prayer answered here this past week and it was really a surprise to wake up on tuesday morning and or was it monday morning i guess it was monday morning wake up on monday morning and have a tree service in the empty lot next door to me now you know that don't sound like a big thing to you except that i have been asking the owner of that empty lot forever and a day to please take down the tree that was hanging over our house so this tree was leaning so badly towards our house i just knew one good storm ground soft enough had uproot and it take out our roof plus the main branch when the main branches was inching towards our chimney which had me really concerned we do run our fireplace in the wind time so that had been something that i've prayed about because the owner just didn't seem to be doing anything well here i get on monday morning i get rudely interrupted over my coffee hearing all this noise outside i walk out the front door and here's his tree service with this faux crew in the lot next door and they're not just taking down the tree that's overhanging my house they're taking out tree that's actually on my property line that i had offhandedly at one point mentioned to the landlord i'd said or landlord i don't have a landlord on my house the land owner dinner i had briefly mentioned to him that if that tree disappeared it wouldn't hurt my feelers any because it was what's called a trash elm and they're just horrible they just branches die and drop into your yard and they just make a big mess all the time well here they are taking out the trash home and this is a big tree and i was like dumbfounded and then there there's a hundred year old tree smack dab in the center of the slot and they're there trimming off the head growth off of this hundred year old tree and making it look a lot better and making it a lot healthy


and i'm just dumbfounded because here is an answer to my prayer in abundance i just want the tree gone that was hanging over our house but now they're removing one that's been a thorn in my side forever and a day they're cleaning up this hundred year old tree which i never want to see that tree disappear it's a beautiful beautiful anyway it was an answer to prayer god answered my prayer it had been a long time since i had talked to the property owner about getting that tree taken out but not only did he instruct them to take out that tree he instruct him take out the tree that was causing me problems and clean up the hundred year old one so god does answer prayers the answers that he answers prayers in his own time i found out but it made me feel really good that he had answered that prayer for me there are so many examples of god answered for i i gotta say this i just gotta come out and say this i cannot believe that anybody anybody would be an atheist i don't i don't understand that you don't believe in god you cannot look at a baby and say you don't believe in god oh that's just biology that's you know evolution and no bull bull i can't believe you're looking that baby and saying there is no god i can't believe that you look at a puppy or a kitten say there's no god have you ever seriously seriously you people that claim to be atheists have you ever taken just a moment to pick up a leaf off the ground and closely examine that leaf you can say whatever you want to but i'm telling you what the design of that leaf what went into that leaf that's just not feature that's a grand design and i'll argue that with anyone anytime they want to god is one of the one of the greatest he is the greatest artist ever look at the badlands that isn't nature taking its course that's a work of art look at the mighty amazon force that's a work of art i no mount everest that's a work of art i could go on and on and on on about all the beautiful things that god has created you sit there and you watch the trees change in the fall and don't tell me that oh well the SAP is going down to the roots and the leaves aren't getting nourished so they just change colors really well that's yeah that's the scientific explanation but the other explanation when one that i prefer is that god made sure this happened not only to protect his creation the trees but to also give us this glorious and beautiful color display that she can't see any place else you know there's an old saying and i hold it to me to be correct i would rather believe my entire life in god and his power and then die and find out i was wrong than to not believe in god and his power and die and find out i was wrong you see my point so atheist maybe it wouldn't hurt you to have a little bit of faith you know because some day i am sure you're going to need that little bit of faith it's going to be important it's going to come along and you will you will definitely need it i i cannot help cannot help but go through this life and experience so many beautiful things and believe that there is a god and that there always will be a god and that this creation that we call earth the creation that we call our solar system that sits within our galaxy that sits within the universe sorry that didn't just randomly happen there's divine intervention there and i always believe that a lot of you know and i've kind of i don't know i'm kind of jumping around here but i'm still in the same vein i think love you know i'm an artist now when i sit down to paint a picture or draw a picture or whatever i'm doing art wise we'll just take painting for instance we'll just use painting so i sit down to do a painting and i have something in mind i know what i want to paint i know what's in my head i know this is what i want to do OK and then i sit down and i paint it and i don't know how that happens i'm serious i do not know how i paint i do not know how i know to blend the colors i don't know how i know what brushes to use i don't know how i know what strokes to use as i'm painting it just happens it's like i'm looking at the canvas in my hand it's doing all this work now my hand 's talking to my brain and my brain is talking back to my hand and it's just going but i'm not sitting there thinking oh i need to do this stroke or i need to do this here i need to do this here it just happens automatically and i don't know how to be really honest with you i don't know how that happens and it's funny because when i get done with the painting what i originally had in my head isn't what's on the canvas it never is i mean it is but it isn't so let's say i sat out just use this as an example off of one of my recent works let's say i sit down to paint an armadillo yes i painted an armadillo i haven't posted it yet but you all will see it soon but i sat down and painted painted an armadillo and i had this vein in my head concerning this armadillo the way i wanted this to be and the way it hit the canvas came out totally different than what i had in my head yet what is on the canvas is actually better than what was in my head how does that happen i have no idea but it does happen and you know that's that's a god given talent uh i believe that's my hand being guided when i sit down to do art and or whatever i do in life i always believe that there's a guiding hand and i try to listen to the guiding hand because sometimes i pay the price if i don't listen good examples when i ride my motorcycle yeah i know we've just gone we've gone all over the place we've gone from roe versus wade to all the way to motorcycles now but when i ride my motorcycle OK i do things instinctively on my motorcycle but i always try to try to trust my gut feeling and i believe that's god talking to me inside there's times when i get ready to go ride my motorcycle that something don't feel right and i don't ride my motorcycle i leave it in the garage i'll be out on my bike i'll be riding my bike and i let's say i'm heading to the studio i'm heading down to the tattoo studio i'm going to work and i go the same route every day and then all of a sudden something inside me says you need to go this different way well i don't ignore that voice i listen to that voice and i go that different direction and because there was a time that i ignored that voice inside and i paid the price for it and uh in may well may third i mean five days ago or what no not five days ago would be what six seven days ago week ago may third of nineteen eighty i was coming home from work on my motorcycle is caddy corner across street from my house and i approached the corner and i saw this car coming up the street and he had the stop sign i didn't and i thought to myself he's not going to stop then i thought the stupid thing oh i can make it well guess who didn't make it that's right little old me and uh he caught my leg in between his bumper and my motorcycle and i ended up late up for six months he uh he actually got away with a hit and run i hope he's happy wherever he's at god bless him but uh yeah the cops didn't do anything because his daughter testified that he was that he couldn't see well enough to drive him that his license had been suspended and there was no way he was possibly out driving around my legs that's different but you know god bless him hope he's well or well he was an old man i i i hope he did the right thing and uh was able to go to heaven but that's neither here nor there the point i'm making here is that i did not listen to my gut ignored my gut and i paid the price for it my gut is god speaking to me or my guardian angel or however you want to say but there's a there's a divine intervention there that says hey you need to do what i'm telling you to do right now and we all need to listen to that there's the gut feeling that old expression like a gut feeling well your gut feeling is divine intervention it's it's your guardian angel or it's god or something other than yourself is telling you listen listen to me do what i'm telling you to do right now OK and this goes all the way back to caring more about others than we care about ourselves if we care if we only care about ourselves when we get that gut feeling we're going to ignore it we're going to go oh i know better no i i'm not going to follow that gut feeling why should i follow that gut feeling i'm smarter than my gut and then something will happen and you turn around you go oh i wish i would listen to my gut feeling well again if you had to listen to your gut feeling if you would have thought about something other than just yourself just yourself lishness you wouldn't have ended up in the jam that you were in right right so do me a favor and try this out because it isn't a hard thing to do try thinking more about others than you think about yourself when you pray if you pray and i hope you do when you pray pray for others and if you praying for yourself don't pray for things i go dear lord i hope i get that new nintendo switch or oh dear lord i really want that brand new pickup truck or dear lord let me win the lottery don't pray that way when you pray make sure that you pray for what's important just like i do god 's protection god's guidance and pray for others and when you're if you're in doubt on how to pray jesus told us what to do he gave us a guideline the lord 's prayer is not is not a repetitious prayer it is a guideline guideline on how to pray that's right the guideline on how to pray OK our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us and lead us not into into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever to break that down into simple terms you addressed


then you sit there and you ask for the important things you ask for for his guidance yes for his support yes that he provide for you that he cover your needs then you ask that you are able to show forgiveness for others and actually it don't hurt to name those others that you're forgiving you know dear lord please help me to forgive show jack wacky please help me to forget joe john wacky his brother please help me forget forgive jane wacky they're his wife i mean it really don't hurt to mention other people 's names that you're wanting to forgive you know god knows your heart he knows who you're going to forgive but voice it there's power in that seriously there's absolute power in voicing those people that you won't forgive that have done you wrong and then you know pray that they forgive you too because you know what you're not totally innocent in it you know and then praise god at the end of the prayer praise god that's what jesus was telling us what the lord 's prayer he was giving us a guideline a textbook on how to pray and uh i like i said i hope you all pray every day and i hope you pray unselfishly because i guarantee you if you do you're going to be a very happy person i promise you anyway that's about it for this episode of the rubber biscuit road show i know i got kind of a little bit on my theological side today but you know these are things been on my mind and what else is a podcast for but to kind of spout off what's on your mind right but anyway this is your friendly neighborhood gypsy saying may god bless and keep you and yours later gators bye bye now

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